Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Bring in the Design Team at the 4th Quarter
A case study on how to set up great design for great success
Apple. Coca-Cola. Nike. McDonald’s. OREO. Liquid Death. These brands have built design systems that have seamlessly woven from product to campaign through the funnel. The systems have wedged into our minds, refrigerators, closets, desks, emails and TikToks.
The need for comprehensive design thinking is undebatable in a world that has become increasingly global and digital. However, the question for marketers is, “Where do they go?” Do they hire a great design firm like COLLINS or JKR? Do they build an in-house staff and do it themselves? Does the CMO’s nephew, Kevin, just take a stab at it? Or … do they turn to the lead creative agency? Nah, let’s not get crazy.
Come on! I’m inviting you to get crazy with me.